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PS2 2.4GHz Wireless Guitar Knight V6

Código PCXeon: 3379

Marca: Not specified | Part Number: Not specified

Estado: Nuevo | EAN: Not specified

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16,11 € without VAT
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Compatible with all the games Guitar Hero, Guitar Knight V6 is a guitar with all the functions and some extras as a bar of the pua illuminated by a blue LED. It also includes a belt and completely renovated black design. This wireless version uses 2.4GHz technology for perfect control during the game.

- 2.4GHz wireless technology
- Action radio up to 7 meters
- Reception angle up to 360°
- Pua bar illuminated by blue LED
- Compatible with all Guitar Hero games
- Compatible with all Playstation 2 and PStwo models
- Compatible with Playstation 3 through the adapter "PS2 to PS3 Guitar Converter" (sold separately)