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Arctic Silver 5 3.5grs

Código PCXeon: 3382

Marca: Arctic | Part Number: ArcticSilver53.5gr

Estado: Nuevo | EAN: 5054629122082

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Producto Original

What can we say you don't know about this thermal paste? It is the best that there can be, even with only the paste, can make the temperature drop from 1 to 7 degrees if the contact area of the dissipator is very damaged.

As not, we must also remember that the Artic Silver 5 is made up of 99'9% pure silver and is not a driver of electricity, so we will avoid possible short circuits when using it.

General data
Temperature range
Pico -50oC 180oC
Long term -50oC 130oC
Electrical conduct
Specific Density4.054.15
mgctlbxN$MZP mgctlbxV$5.3.7 mgctlbxL$C mgctlbxP$prestashop