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Disco Duro Toshiba MK1633GSG 160GB 1.8'' Micro Sata 516484-001 601794-001 503732-001 601793-001

Código PCXeon: 16538

Marca: Toshiba | Part Number: MK1633GSG

Estado: Nuevo | EAN: 0036800048546

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Producto Original

Disco Duro 1.8'' con conexion Micro Sata para usar con NetBooks .  

Compatible con Parts Numbers : MK1235GSL , MK8016GSG , MK1216GSG , MK1629GSG , MK2529GSG , 492560-001 , MK1233GSG , 516484-001 , 601794-001, 601793-001 ,  503732-001 , 509435-001 , 598777-001 , MK1617GSG , MK1633GSG , HDD1F15 , 601793-001 , .....


Data Storage Capacity: 

Per drive, Formatted 160 GB 

Number of Platters 2 

Number of Heads 4 

Bytes/ Sector 571 

Rotational Speed (rpm) 5400 


Average Seek Time: msec 

Track-to-Track 3 

Average 15 

Maximum 26 



Type Serial ATA 1.5Gb/s 

SATA 2.6 / ATA- 8 

Buffer (MB) 8 

Data Transfer Rate: Max. 150MB/sec 


Power Requirements: 

Voltage (V); Supply +3.3V (5%) 

Sleep (Watts) 0.10 

Standby (Watts) 0.15 

Read (Watts) 1.4 

Write (Watts) 1.4 

Start-up (Watts) 2.5



Data Storage Capacity: 

Per drive, Formatted 160 GB 

Number of Platters 2 

Number of Heads 4 

Bytes/ Sector 571 

Rotational Speed (rpm) 5400 


Average Seek Time: msec 

Track-to-Track 3 

Average 15 

Maximum 26 



Type Serial ATA 1.5Gb/s 

SATA 2.6 / ATA- 8 

Buffer (MB) 8 

Data Transfer Rate: Max. 150MB/sec 


Power Requirements: 

Voltage (V); Supply +3.3V (5%) 

Sleep (Watts) 0.10 

Standby (Watts) 0.15 

Read (Watts) 1.4 

Write (Watts) 1.4 

Start-up (Watts) 2.5


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